Send us your strains!
Our Pseudomonas-Prunus project team are looking for Pseudomonas syringae pathovars that have been tested and verified for pathogenicity in one or more hosts.
These samples will be whole genome sequenced and used to create training datasets for a machine learning approach that will help to identify factors that are associated with host specialisations. The ultimate aim is to better understand plant pathogen evolution and the role of virulence factors.
Can you help? Would you would be willing to send the team your strains (as stab cultures) of Pseudomonas syringae pathovars?
Ideally you would have:
- Pathogenicity data on one or more hosts
- Year, location and host of isolation details
In return, the team will sequence the strains and return the raw and annotated data to you as soon as it is generated. They would also like to release the DNA sequence data into the public domain, crediting your group where necessary.
Samples from overseas are welcome and our researchers hold licenses for the import of regulated Pseudomonas plant pathogens. If you are sending from outside the UK a copy of the license will be provided prior to you sending the strain. Postage costs can also be covered.
If you think you have a strain that could be useful please contact [email protected] for further details.
If you’d like to know more about Pseudomonas-Prunus watch this short video or visit their project page.